Thursday, January 29, 2009

Excited but unfocused

Lots of inspiring people out there. I find myself poking from one blog to the next, reading about how to do certain things with needles and thread and glue or paper, and feel a little overwhelmed about how to make the most of it. Lately I find myself incredibly excited by everything, even the white sky against the white snow cover against the pink cheeks of my two year old. Even the soup cans are being meticulously washed so I can cover them in old pages of books, which pleases me. Bear with me as I tame my enthusiasm and try to actually organize some fun pictures from the internet land and my own projects. I think it will be pretty to look at.

I am going to attempt to post some pictures, and links now. You'd think I'd be good at that by now, but the old is new to me. Stand by.

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