Friday, January 30, 2009

Was She Pretty? Leanne Shapton's most amazing words and illustrations

Leanne Shapton makes beautiful illustrations, and wrote this fabulous book that stands out in the relationship section of your local behemoth bookshop. I've read, reread, and then reread Was She Pretty? I have photocopied pages of it and wrapped gifts with it, I look to it again and again. Something about how the ex's in our men's lives is super intriguing. But how interesting is that to say? Better to let Leanne walk you through it with dreamy illustrations and snippets of who they were. They were sexy, smart, creative, alluring, odd, us. Maybe you knew  them, maybe you imagined them, but curious they remain, and they are a tie that binds. A good one, too. Without them, where might those men be instead? 

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