Sunday, February 1, 2009

Trial and error: my first sewing project

As promised, here is a photo of the first dress I sewed on the machine using the men's-shirt-to-girls-dress tutorial. I learned a lot during this project. The straps from the tutorial didn't work for me. They were way too short for 5 year old shoulders. So I took the collar from the shirt scraps pile, cut it exactly in half and voila! I also reused the pocket that I had to seamrip from the shirt and stuck it on the front of the dress because a girl needs a place for stowing treasures.


Donna said...

So cute. I've seen that tutorial floating around ..scared to try but maybe I should give it a go!

Peggy said...

Donna -- If I can do this, I am sure anyone can! And send me a link to yours when it's done so I can enjoy it. Thanks for stopping by... skc

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