Monday, February 2, 2009

eco tawashi

eco tawashi, originally uploaded by skipthechips.

Maybe you already know this, but you can wash dishes really well with a simple scrubber made from acrylic yarn. It's called an eco tawashi.

I found a set of acrylic crocheted coasters at the thrift store (pictured) and repurposed them as our first eco tawashi experiment. The review: they are like soft scouring pads that do a great job on nearly everything. I've read that you don't need to use soap, but the jury is still out for me on this one.The best part for me, aside from how cute they can be, is that they can be washed with the laundry. Never face that stinky sponge smell again.

Instructions on how to make your own eco tawashi are available here, if you already know how to crochet. I am not ready for this tutorial, though, because the last time I crocheted anything it was for a badge in girl scouts around the fifth grade.

I am going to give it a go, using this youtube video on how to crochet in a circle. Perhaps this is insanity, but I'll show you how I do.

If you have the eco tawashi itch, but don't want to make them, has some really cute ones you could buy, or keep your eye out for something at your local thrifty shop.

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